

A discussion of interesting books from my current stock at


Antiquarian books

Where does wisdom come from? Robert Holcot’s answer .

566J  Robertus Holcot. (c. 1290 – 1349) [Super sapientiam Salomonis] Opus preclarissimum eximij d[omi]ni magistri roperti holkot sacre theologie moralissimi at[que] doctissimi p[ro]fessoris ordinis fratru[m] p[rae]dicator[um] sup[er] sapie[n]tia[m] salomonis  qua[m] philo disertissimus collegit .. Jncipit feliciter. Speier: Per me Petrum Drach ciuem... Continue Reading →

Fascicule XXXVII , now in the mail.

If you would like a print copy Please send me an e-mail me jamesgray2[at] Or follow this Link to the a PDF: Or use this QR code. Or follow the links in the index for ISTC listings Continue Reading →

Orinda!!! Katherine Philips: Her Letters

It is not usual to find a printed book which gives us such a vivid depiction of the literary world for 17th century women, this is a great book and I am constantly amazed by it. Please enjoy reading about... Continue Reading →

A Hand full of Favorite books from this the . first Covid 19/20/21- year .

Ok maybe a big armful, or a large table full, or let's just say five of my favorite books all with lots of images and long long descriptions. 353J Alberto da Castello Rosario della gloriosa Vergine Maria 1585469J   Rabanus Maurus. De Laudib[us] sancte Crucis... Continue Reading →

Seven Jesuit books from the 17th century

1) 620G Lenaert Leys (Lessius) 1554-1623 R.P. Leonardi Lessi E Societate Jesu, Sacrae Theologiae In Academia Louvaniensi Quondam Professoris, De Jure et Justitia Compendium. A quodam Patre eiusdem Societatis compilatum Duaci, [i.e. Douai]. Apud Joannem Serrurier, Typographum juratum, 1640. $2,500... Continue Reading →

Who was The Earl of Rochester, John Wilmot…..?

I find it hard to pin down who Rochester was, maybe it is because he revealed of much contradictory emotion in his verse, or maybe it is his reputation of which so much is written about displays the uneasy relation between actions , feelings and expression. I highly recommend the Movie version of his life […]

A Hand full of Favorite books from this the . first Covid 19/20/21- year .

Ok maybe a big armful, or a large table full, or let's just say six of my favorite books all with lots of images and long long descriptions. 499J  Ortus Sanitatis. Straßburg 1497353J Alberto da Castello Rosario della gloriosa Vergine Maria 1585469J   Rabanus Maurus. De Laudib[us]... Continue Reading →

‘ERESIE’ I choose with my own human reason…

The guilt of heresy is measured not so much by its subject-matter as by its formal principle, which is the same in all heresies: revolt against a Divinely constituted authority. Heresiology "Why Is Contemporary Scholarship So Enamored of Ancient Heretics?"... Continue Reading →

I find this pretty interesting.

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