

A discussion of interesting books from my current stock at



The School Of Recreation

Being a person of divers interests, it is not all that often that I (or even you gentle reader) find an early modern book which discusses more than a few of them, but alas today I have a book to offer which discusses  many of them! 790G R(obert) H(owllet) fl 1696 The School Of Recreation: […]

The School Of Recreation

Being a person of divers interests, it is not all that often that I (or even you gentle reader) find an early modern book which discusses more than a few of them, but alas today I have a book to... Continue Reading →

The School Of Recreation

Before recreation became an industry, before numerous scientific studies,and even before time was seen as the ultimate commodity R.H.(owllet), makes a promise to those who recreate.... "you will not only find pleasure and keep up a Healthful Constitution in moderately... Continue Reading →

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