

A discussion of interesting books from my current stock at


History of Psychology

“Teutonick Chimericall extravagances”

ENTHUSIASME [Late Latin enthūsiasmus, from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein, to be inspired by a god, from entheos, possessed :] Political,economic and social stresses take their toll on normative behavior. The late "early modern period" let's call it 1590-1680  (pre Newton?) was a period of hegemonic... Continue Reading →

The literary tour-de-force in the tradition of Renaissance paradoxical literature.

Tonight I'll begin now, where I am or rather what i'm (re) Reading   again and again.. On being blue: a philosophical inquiry By William Gass is one of my favorite books, "This small but memorable treatise, written "for all who... Continue Reading →

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